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Cat dental care

Here, you'll find expert resources to keep your cat's teeth and gums healthy.

Advice articles

In this section, you can read our vet's guides on gingivitis, brushing your cat's teeth, and managing stomatitis.

Do's and don'ts of cat dental care

Do's and don'ts of cat dental care

Keep your cat's teeth healthy and prevent gum disease with these essential do's and don'ts

Four stages of dental disease in cats

Four stages of dental disease in cats

Learn about the four stages of dental disease in cats and how to prevent and treat each stage

Step-by-step guide to dental treatment in cats

Step-by-step guide to dental treatment in cats

Curious about what happens during your cat's dental treatment? Discover the entire process

Gingivitis in cats

Gingivitis in cats

Read our vet's tips on treating and preventing gingivitis in cats to keep their gums healthy

How to brush your cat's teeth

How to brush your cat's teeth

Read our step-by-step guide on how to brush your cat's teeth, ensuring a clean and healthy mouth

Stomatitis in cats

Stomatitis in cats

Find out more about stomatitis in cats including symptoms, treatments, and management tips

Video — How to brush your cat's teeth

Watch our video for a quick lesson on brushing your cat's teeth. Brushing helps prevent dental disease, and ideally you should begin when they're kittens. Our vet recommends starting slow, gently petting your cat's face and lips to get them used to being touched. Once comfortable, you can introduce a finger brush with pet-safe toothpaste.


This section will soon include helpful infographics on cat dental care

Stages of dental disease

Stages of dental disease

Learn about the various stages of dental disease in cats

Dental chart for cats

Dental chart for cats

Understand your cat’s dental anatomy to ensure their teeth and gums stay healthy

Do’s and don’ts of cat dental care

Do’s and don’ts of cat dental care

Learn the essential do's and don'ts of cat dental care to maintain your cat's oral health

Video — Brushing teeth with AniDent

This video provides a short guide on how to brush your pet's teeth using AniDent products. It recommends a gradual approach to get your pet comfortable with the process.

Q&A on cat dental care

For more questions, read our advice guides or contact your local vet

Why does my cat need a scale and polish?

Cats often accumulate plaque and tartar on their teeth, leading to gum disease and tooth loss. A scale and polish removes this buildup, preventing pain and serious health issues. Regular cleanings also help avoid more invasive procedures like tooth extractions, improving your cat's overall health and quality of life. Even older cats can really benefit; from this routine care.

How often does my cat need a dental check?

Cats, especially as they age, are prone to dental disease. To catch issues early, you should have a check-up every six months. It's also important to check their mouth yourself regularly. Make these home checks a positive experience for your cat to keep them relaxed. Regular monitoring helps maintain your cat's dental health and catch any problems before they become serious.

What are the signs of dental pain in cats?

Cats are masters at hiding discomfort, making it tough to spot dental issues. However, there are some signs you can look out for. If your cat is drooling, has a decreased appetite, or is sick a lot, they might be experiencing dental pain. Other indicators include swollen and bleeding gums and bad breath. You might also notice your cat grooming less, leading to an unkempt coat.

How long does a full scale and polish take?

Cleaning a cat's teeth thoroughly typically involves a procedure that lasts about 15-30 minutes. However, the entire process, including anaesthesia, setup, examination, and recovery, takes far longer than this, meaning it's likely your cat will be in practice for much of the day. Generally, you'll drop off your cat in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon.